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2021.02.07 Digital Single , Novel Sounds

Bertoia / Pure Black

featuring guitar :

  Yoshiharu Ishizaka (advantage Lucy)

  Macorin (27<HATANANA>

mix,mastering:Ryoji Sato (HEADPHONES REMOTE)

photo : Tomota Ikawa

「え、これBertoiaの新曲?」プレイボタンを押して真っ先に頭に浮かんだのは、そんな嬉しい戸惑いの言葉だった。Bertoiaといえば、例えばLushやCocteau Twins、Pia Frausあたりを彷彿とさせるドリーミーかつセンチメンタルなサウンド。そんな印象の人はきっと多いだろう。しかし「真っ黒」と名付けられた、この新曲のヘヴィネスときたら。ゴリゴリと刻まれるベースに導かれ、まるで黒雲が立ち込めるかのように轟きわたるのは、引きずるようなドラムとざらついたギターの音。そんな「漆黒のサイケデリア」が空間を覆い尽くす中、一筋の光となって天から降り注ぐMai Tsuyutani (murmur) の歌声も、これまでのキュートな魅力に加えて「狂気」すら感じさせる。もはやポップスの定型からも大きく逸脱したアブストラクトな曲構成や、ミドルレンジに重きを置いた音像など、どこかMy Bloody Valentineの『m b v』を彷彿とさせるところも。この調子でいくと、次のアルバムはどんな内容になるのだろう。ファースト・アルバム『MODERN SYNTHESIS』から今年で10年。マイブラは22年かかったけど、そこまで待たなくても大丈夫だよね?


Natsuki Kato (Luby Sparks)


"Wait, is this Bertoia?” were the first words that came to my confused and elated mind when I pressed the play button. Bertoia’s is a dreamy and sentimental sound, reminiscent of Lush, Cocteau Twins, and Pia Fraus. I'm sure there are many with such an impression. However, this new song, named "Pure Black", brings heaviness. Guided by rugged bass, the sound of dragging drums and gritty guitar roars as if black clouds were approaching. While enveloped in this "jet-black psychedelia" space, the singing voice of Mai Tsuyutani (murmur) becomes a ray of light falling from heaven, inducing a feeling of "craziness" in addition to the cute charm. With abstract song composition that deviates greatly from standard pop and a sound image that emphasizes the middle range, we also get glimpses of My Bloody Valentine's "mbv". What will the next album look like with this direction? It's been 10 years since their first album "MODERN SYNTHESIS". My Bloody Valentine took 22 years, but we don't have to wait that long, right?
Takanori Kuroda ("SHOEGAZER DISC GUIDE" supervisor)


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